Ex parte HIRSHBERG - Page 3

          Appeal No. 1998-0650                                                        
          Application 08/548,794                                                      

               Independent claim 1 is reproduced as follows:                          
               1.  A method for generating a statistical representation               
          of intonational feature information for a text-to-speech                    
          system, the method comprising the steps of:                                 
               (a) annotating a set of predetermined text with                        
          intonational feature annotations to generate annotated text,                
          the set of predetermined text being unrelated to speech, said               
          annotating being performed by a human annotator;                            
               (b) with a computer means, generating a set of structural              
          information regarding the predetermined text;                               
               (c) with the computer means, generating said statistical               
          representations of intonational feature information based on                
          the set of structural information and the intonational feature              
          annotations; and                                                            
               (d) storing said statistical representation for use in                 
          training a text-to-speech system.                                           
               The Examiner does not rely on any references.                          
               Claims 1, 2 and 4 through 20 stand rejected under 35                   
          U.S.C. § 101 as being directed to non-statutory subject                     
               Rather than reiterate the arguments of Appellant and the               
          Examiner, reference is made to the brief and the Examiner's                 
          answer for the respective details thereof.                                  
               After a careful consideration of the record before us, we              


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