Ex parte HIRSHBERG - Page 7

          Appeal No. 1998-0650                                                        
          Application 08/548,794                                                      

          Appellant discloses on pages 1 through 4 of the specification,              
          that there is a need to assign appropriate intonation to the                
          text so that the speech generated will have a quality of                    
          naturalness.  Appellant discloses that intonation includes                  
          such features as variations in prominence, pitch range,                     
          intonational contour, and intonational phrasing.  Appellant                 
          discloses a method of training a text-to-speech system that                 
          involves taking a set of predetermined text and having a human              
          annotate it with intonational feature annotations.  This                    
          results in annotated text.  Next, the structure of the set of               
          predetermined text is analyzed to generate information which                
          is a statistical representation.  The statistical                           
          representation may be repeatedly used to generate synthesized               
          speech for new sets of input text without training the text-                
          to-speech system further.  We find that the claim language                  
          recited in Appellant's claim 1 recites subject matter that is               
          a practical application of generating statistical                           
          representation of intonational feature information for use in               
          training a text-to-speech system.                                           


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