Appeal No. 1998-0892 Application No. 08/509,795 pages 4-5]. More particularly, appellant argues that the angles output from table look-up 39 in Ward are not calculated angles as recited in claim 8, and the comparison of “angles” in Ward relates to a single point and not to two different sample points as claimed [reply brief, pages 2-3]. We agree with the position argued by appellant. The reference angles which are stored in table look-up 39 in Ward are not based on any noise candidate coordinate points, but rather, are theoretical values which determine whether distance ratios associated with each noise candidate coordinate point exceed some predetermined value. The values stored in table look-up 39 are unrelated to the calculated angles of successive noise candidate points in Ward. Therefore, since the angle comparison in Ward is not between angles for consecutive noise candidate points as recited in claim 8, we do not sustain the rejection of claim 8 or of claims 9-13 which are grouped therewith. With respect to independent claim 14, the examiner indicates how the two conditions set forth in steps (f) and (g) are disclosed by Lipscomb [answer, pages 5 and 6]. Appellant’s only argument with respect to this claim is that 9Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 NextLast modified: November 3, 2007