Ex Parte SHIBAHASHI et al - Page 1

                                THIS OPINION WAS NOT WRITTEN FOR PUBLICATION                                                          
                       The opinion in support of the decision being entered today (1) was not                                         
                       written for publication in a law journal and (2) is not binding precedent of                                   
                       the Board.                                                                                                     
                                                                                                      Paper No. 72                    

                                  UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                                                           
                                       BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                                                             
                                                    AND INTERFERENCES                                                                 
                                 Ex parte YUTAKA SHIBAHASHI, NORIKAZU NAKASUJI,                                                       
                               TSUTOMU KITO, MICHIYUKI YASUDA, KUNIYUKI SENGA                                                         
                                                     Appeal No. 1998-1015                                                             
                                                   Application No. 08/208,912                                                         
                                                            ON BRIEF                                                                  
               Before KIMLIN, GARRIS, and BAHR, Administrative Patent Judges.                                                         
               KIMLIN, Administrative Patent Judge.                                                                                   
                                                    DECISION ON APPEAL                                                                
                       This is an appeal from the final rejection of claims 15, 5-9 and 11-13.  Claims                                
               16-18,  the other claims remaining in the present application, stand withdrawn from                                    
               consideration.  Claim 15 is illustrative:                                                                              
                       15.  A color memory toy comprising:                                                                            
                               a toy having an outer surface which is painted with a paint                                            
                               containing a quasi-reversible thermochromic coloring material or                                       
                               with both a paint containing said quasi-reversible thermochromic                                       
                               coloring material and a paint containing a temperature invariant                                       
                               colored material,                                                                                      

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