Ex parte BROOKMAN et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1998-1315                                                       
          Application No. 08/334,751                                                 
          relevant art that the inventor at the time the application was             
          filed, had possession of the claimed invention.  According to              
          the examiner (first supplemental answer, Paper No. 19, pg. 2),             
          “[t]he original disclosure of the parent does not support the              

          of ‘an exclusively dry multi-stage filtering means’ as found               
          in the instant case.”                                                      

               Claims 1, 5 and 17 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. §                   
          103(a) as being unpatentable over McGoff in view of Brookman2.             

               Rather than attempt to reiterate the examiner’s full                  
          statement with regard to the above noted rejections and                    
          conflicting viewpoints advanced by the examiner and appellants             
          regarding the rejections, we make reference to the final                   
          rejection (Paper No. 10, mailed June 10, 1996), the answer                 
          (Paper No. 17, mailed April 15, 1997), the first supplemental              
          answer (Paper No. 19, mailed September 2, 1997) and the second             

               2 Issues 2 and 4 through 6 stated on page 8 of the answer             
          have been withdrawn on page 3 of the first supplemental                    
          answer.  Therefore, only issues 1 and 3 are remaining for                  
          consideration by this board.                                               

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