Ex parte HEIMBERG - Page 5

          Appeal No. 1998-1503                                                        
          Application No. 08/676,907                                                  

          our view, even without Takahashi, it appears to us that the                 
          skilled artisan would have recognized that the fixed reference              
          voltage, 6, of Suquet may be made variable when it is desired               
          to change the signal to which the measured signal is compared.              
          Thus, allowing the reference signal in Suquet to be variable                
          would have enabled the artisan to control the amplitude of the              
          current flowing in the inductive load.  The examiner also                   
          relies on APA in contending the obviousness of employing a                  
          well known reciprocating pump for the inductive load, 1, of                 
          Suquet, especially in view of Suquet’s disclosure (column 1,                
          lines 16-17) that the patented device is applicable to the                  
          solenoid valves of fuel injectors.                                          
               The examiner’s reasoning, at first blush, appears                      
          reasonable and the examiner’s explanation of the applicability              
          of the applied references and reasons for combining the                     
          references establishes, in our view, a prima facie case of                  
          At this point, the burden was shifted to appellant to rebut,                
          by persuasive argument and/or objective evidence, the prima                 
          facie case of obviousness.                                                  


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