Ex parte HEIMBERG - Page 8

          Appeal No. 1998-1503                                                        
          Application No. 08/676,907                                                  

          logical nor plausible, given the different purposes and                     
          operation of a solenoid valve vs. a solenoid pump.”                         
               The examiner’s response is merely to state that the type               
          of inductive load is “immaterial” and that it would have been               
          obvious to substitute a reciprocating pump for the inductive                
          load, 1, of Suquet.  While there may be some reason, of which               
          we are unaware, for substituting a reciprocal pump for the                  
          inductive load of Suquet, the examiner’s rationale that it                  
          would have been obvious to substitute a reciprocal pump for                 
          the inductive load of Suquet merely because reciprocal pumps                
          were known is not sufficient in view of appellant’s argument                
          that the examiner’s substitution is illogical in view of the                
          different purposes and operation of a solenoid valve and a                  
          reciprocating pump.  The examiner has not sufficiently                      
          responded to appellant’s apparently reasonable argument.  As                
          such, weighing the evidence before us on this record, we are                
          constrained to find for appellant.  That evidence indicates a               
          strong argument by appellant as to why reciprocating pumps are              
          different than solenoid valves and that it would not have been              
          obvious to substitute one for the other, versus the examiner’s              
          unsupported contention that it would have been obvious to                   

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