Ex parte SORENSEN et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1998-1821                                                        
          Application No. 08/584,606                                                  

               Claim 1. A method of injection molding a tie that                      
          includes an elongated tongue with two ends and two broad                    
          sides, a locking head at one end of the tongue, a first set of              
          ratchet teeth extending along one broad side of the tongue and              
          a second set of ratchet teeth extending along the other broad               
          side of the tongue, wherein the locking head has sides                      
          defining a continuously bounded opening for receiving the                   
          tongue, the sides include a  movable pawl that is hinged at                 
          one side of said opening and an abutment wall that is across                
          the opening from the pawl, and the pawl has at least one pawl               
          tooth disposed for engaging the set of first rachet teeth when              
          the tongue has been inserted through said opening with the                  
          first set of rachet teeth facing the pawl, wherein the pawl,                
          when the at least one pawl tooth is so engaged, is movable                  
          toward an abutment surface of the abutment wall in response to              
          pressure applied to the tongue in a direction opposite to the               
          direction of said insertion in order to force the second set                
          of ratchet teeth against the abutment surface; and wherein the              
          abutment surface includes at least one tooth for locking                    
          engagement with the second set of ratchet teeth when the                    
          tongue has been inserted through the opening with the second                
          set of ratchet teeth facing the abutment surface and the side               
          of the tongue including the second set of ratchet teeth is                  
          forced against the abutment surface by movement of the pawl;                
          the method comprising the steps of                                          
               (a) providing a mold that includes mold parts for                      
          defining a cavity between the mold parts in the general shape               
          of the tie;                                                                 
               (b) injecting molten plastic material into the mold                    
               (c) solidifying the plastic material in the mold cavity                
          to form the tie;                                                            
               (d) separating the mold parts to enable removal of the                 
          tie from the mold; and                                                      


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