Ex parte MCGLEW et al. - Page 5

          Appeal No. 1998-2065                                                        
          Application 08/713,788                                                      

          upper end and an elastic loop 20 within the channel.  The                   
          folded-over channel may be slotted as at 22 to allow access to              
          the elastic loop whereby it can be utilized to tie the bag                  
          closed.  In a second embodiment (see Figures 5 and 6), the bag              
          110 includes two folded-over channels 160, 161, a string tie                
          30 within one channel and a separate elastic loop 200 within                
          the other channel.                                                          
               As indicated above, the examiner concedes that Samuel                  
          does not meet the limitations in claim 1 requiring the claimed              
          garbage bag to comprise a fibrous material connected to and                 
          surrounding the elastic element and disposed between the                    
          elastic element and the garbage bag forming the loop space.                 
          According to the appellants’ specification, the fibrous                     
          material “enhances the strength/elongation characteristics of               
          the elastic loop element (to ensure good support of the bag                 
          end relative to the trash/garbage can), and/or reduces                      
          friction relative to the bag and/or provides at least a                     
          portion which is graspable by the user, for cinching or tying               
          the bag end” (page 4; also see page 7).  The Samuel trash bag               
          does not have any such fibrous material, a deficiency which                 


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