Ex parte MCGLEW et al. - Page 8

          Appeal No. 1998-2065                                                        
          Application 08/713,788                                                      

          considered in determining compliance with the written                       
          description requirement.  Id.                                               
               The recitation in claims 6, 7 and 9 through 16 of a loop               
          element having an elastic portion and a plastic portion finds               
          clear support in the original disclosure in the paragraph                   
          bridging specification pages 3 and 4, in the brief and                      
          detailed descriptions of Figure 9 on specification pages 6 and              
          9, respectively, and in original claims 6 and 7.  Thus, the                 
          disclosure of the application as originally filed would                     
          reasonably convey to the artisan that the appellants had                    
          possession at that time of a garbage bag comprising a loop                  
          element having an elastic portion and a plastic portion.                    
          Hence, the recitation of such a loop element in claims 6, 7                 
          and 9 through 16 does not pose a written description problem.               
               Insofar as the enablement requirement is concerned, the                
          dispositive issue is whether the appellants’ disclosure,                    
          considering the level of ordinary skill in the art as of the                
          date of the application, would have enabled a person of such                
          skill to make and use the claimed invention without undue                   
          experimentation.  In re Strahilevitz, 668 F.2d 1229, 1232, 212              


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