Ex parte LEE et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1998-2723                                                        
          Application No. 08/571,679                                                  

               Claim 30 is the only independent claim on appeal, and it               
          reads as follows:                                                           

               30.  A wide area paging system, comprising:                            
                    (a) a paging broadcast system for transmitting                    
               paging broadcast signals over a first channel to                       
               pagers throughout a prescribed geographic area, the                    
               paging broadcast system including one or more                          
               transmitters for broadcasting the paging broadcast                     
               signals throughout the prescribed geographic area,                     
               the system including a paging control center for                       
               initiating the paging broadcast signals in response                    
               to received paging requests;                                           
                    b) a paging response system for receiving paging                  
               response signals over a second channel from the                        
               pagers throughout the prescribed geographic area,                      
               the paging response system including a mesh network                    
               comprised of a plurality of interconnected base                        
               stations for communi-cating the paging response                        
               signals therebetween over a third channel, wherein                     
               one or more of the base stations includes a paging                     
                    (c) the pagers receiving the paging broadcast                     
               signals and transmitting the paging response signals                   
               to the paging receiver of one of the base stations                     
               in the mesh network in response thereto, the base                      
               station receiving the paging response signals                          
               including a signal conversion device for                               
               transforming the paging response signal received                       
               from the pager into a signal that is properly                          
               formatted for transmission between the base                            
               stations, the base station receiving the paging                        
               response signal thereafter automatically selecting a                   
               neighboring base station to use for forwarding the                     
               paging response signals through the mesh network,                      

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Last modified: November 3, 2007