Ex parte LEE et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1998-2723                                                        
          Application No. 08/571,679                                                  

          respective positions of the appellants and the examiner.                    
               We have carefully considered the entire record before us,              
          and we will reverse the obviousness rejections of claims 30                 
          through 38.                                                                 

               According to the examiner (answer, page 4), Wesby                      
          discloses a system that broadcasts a page signal on broadcast               
          channel F1,                                                                 
          and the pager transponder 50 acknowledges the page with a                   
          response TF1 to a plurality of base stations in a mesh array                
          (Figures 1 and 2).  The examiner indicates (answer, page 4)                 
          that “[t]he mesh communicates to a gateway 40 which returns                 
          signals to the paging controller 30.”                                       
               Leyburn discloses the use of a gateway interface 12                    
          between a telephone system and a paging center (Figure 1).                  
          Based upon such teachings, the examiner is of the opinion                   
          (answer, page 4) that “it would have been obvious to one of                 

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