Ex parte PEPPEL - Page 23

          Appeal No. 1998-2848                                                        
          Application 08/398,862                                                      

          protection, limited manufacturing, and random distribution of               
          partial sets (specification, pages 11-12, 15).  "Card                       
          authenticity" can be accomplished with encryption; e.g.,                    
          "Counterfeit ETCs can be detected using public-key/private-key              
          encryption" (specification, page 12, lines 12-13).  We do not               
          find the concepts of "card scarcity" and "card authenticity"                
          discussed anywhere in the evidence submitted.  One of the                   
          slides is entitled "E-Card Security"; however, this appears to              
          just refer to how the ETCs are accessed and there is no                     
          mention of card scarcity or card authenticity.  This is just                
          one example, but it applies to all claims.  As another                      
          example, we do not find support for the limitations of                      
          entering a multiroom virtual environment and completing a set               
          as recited in claim 16.  The declarations should particularly               
          point out how each claim limitation is supported by the                     
          evidence.  Appellant has not established conception of the                  
          claimed invention and the Rule 131 declarations are                         
          insufficient to overcome Smith.  The anticipation rejection of              
          claims 1-39 is sustained.                                                   
               In addition, even assuming the evidence was sufficient to              
          establish conception, Appellant has failed to establish                     

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