Ex parte BRODY - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1998-2976                                                        
          Application No. 08/326,049                                                  

          The references relied upon by the examiner are:                             
          Unotoro et al. (Unotoro)             0 035 382       Sep. 9,                
          (Published European Patent Application)                                     
          Matsukawa et al. (Matsukawa)         0 179 913       May  7,                
          (Published European Patent Application)                                     
          Claims 1, 16, 22-29, 32-34, 39 and 40 stand rejected                        
          under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over Unotoro in                 
          view of Matsukawa.                                                          
          The respective positions of the examiner and the                            
          appellant with regard to the propriety of these rejections are              
          set forth in the examiner’s answer (Paper No. 33) and the                   
          appellant’s brief and reply brief (Paper Nos. 32 and 34,                    
                                Appellant’s Invention                                 
          The invention is a flat-screen television display made up                   
          of a plurality of display modules positioned adjacent each                  
          other to form an array the size of the desired flat-screen.                 
          Each module has a substrate 14.  A matrix of conductive pads                
          19 defines picture elements 18 and it extends over the first                
          major surface 15 of the substrate in a regular pattern.  A                  
          matrix of electrical switching elements 20 extends over the                 


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