Ex parte POPAT - Page 3

                        Appeal No. 1998-3424                                                                                                                            
                        Application No. 08/315,792                                                                                                                      

                        transitions are prevented under either of the two circumstances discussed in claims 1 and                                                       
                        5.  Independent claim 13 is basically an apparatus counterpart to method claim 8 wherein                                                        
                        transitions are prevented under either of the two recited circumstances.  Independent                                                           
                        claim 17 is similar to claim 1 in that it requires setting a write pointer value equal to the                                                   
                        stored reader pointer value after reading a last unread value in response to reception of a                                                     
                        read command if the read command is received without a corresponding reception of the                                                           
                        write command.  Independent claim 22 requires the controller changing the write pointer                                                         
                        value to equal the read pointer value after execution of a first read signal if the number of                                                   
                        entries equals one and a corresponding write signal is not received during reception of the                                                     
                        first read signal.                                                                                                                              
                                  Thus, the instant claimed subject matter is directed to controlling the output of the                                                 
                        FIFO so no transitions occur at the output of the device under various conditions.  The                                                         
                        examiner has pointed to sections within Ward and McClure which the exa miner alleges                                                            
                        meet the various control portions of the instant claims.  In Ward, the examiner points to                                                       
                        column 1, lines 41-48 and column 8, lines 55-57.  With regard to McClure, the examiner                                                          
                        identifies column 2, lines 42-54 , column 3, lines 54-63 and column 5, lines 9-12.                                                              
                                  Appellant argues that neither Ward nor McClure recognizes the problems solved                                                         
                        by appellant and that neither of the references prevents transitions on the output under the                                                    
                        circumstances specified in the claims.                                                                                                          
                                  We agree with the examiner and refer to the reasoning set forth at pages 2-9 of                                                       
                        Paper No 9.  Clearly, Ward is concerned with a similar problem as is appellant.  Column                                                         
                        2, lines 19-23 of Ward recites that a disadvantage of the prior art is the large amount of                                                      


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