Ex parte SIMPSON - Page 3

                 Appeal No. 1999-0515                                                                                     Page 3                        
                 Application No. 08/620,256                                                                                                             

                 German Offenlegungsschrift                            2,113,601                                    Sep. 28,                            

                                                                THE REJECTIONS                                                                          
                          Claims 1-20 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 112, second                                                                      
                 paragraph, as being indefinite for failing to particularly                                                                             
                 point out and distinctly claim the subject matter which the                                                                            
                 appellant regards as the invention.                                                                                                    
                          Claims 1-20 also stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as                                                                      
                 being unpatentable over Nowak  in view of Sain.     2                                                                                  
                          Rather than attempt to reiterate the examiner’s full                                                                          
                 commentary with regard to the above-noted rejections and the                                                                           
                 conflicting viewpoints advanced by the examiner and the                                                                                
                 appellant regarding the rejections, we make reference to the                                                                           
                 Examiner’s Answer (Paper No. 10) and to the Appellant’s Briefs                                                                         
                 (Papers No. 9 and 11).                                                                                                                 

                          1A copy of a PTO translation of this reference is                                                                             
                          2  Called “Ols” by the examiner.                                                                                              

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