Ex parte MURGIDA et al. - Page 7

          Appeal No. 1999-0955                                                        
          Application No. 08/687,872                                                  

          the examiner described Berghahn as teaching both the use and                
          non-use of a metering element 34 and determined that it would               
          have been obvious to eliminate the apertured member 16 of Hall              
          in view of this teaching in Berghahn. Id. at p. 4.                          
               We do not consider that it would have been obvious to                  
          combine Hall with Berghahn as proposed by the examiner.  Hall               
          is concerned with a dispenser for applying cleaning fluid or                
          polish in the form of wax or liquid to shoes.  To this end,                 
          Hall provides a container having a flexible, compressible,                  
          opened-cell foam polyurethane applicator pad mounted in the                 
          cap for the container.  Berghahn discloses a liquid applicator              
          for applying antiperspirant or deodorant to human skin.                     
          Assuming arguendo that it was known in the cosmetic art prior               
          to appellants’ invention to replace a porous, flexible and                  
          deformable applicator pad with a porous, rigid applicator, the              
          purpose of the Hall                                                         
          applicator pad is so different from that of Berghahn that one               

          ordinary skill would not, in our view, have found in Berghahn               

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