Ex parte GEIB et al. - Page 3

                  Appeal No. 1999-1536                                                                                         Page 3                     
                  Application No. 08/938,592                                                                                                              

                           Claim 49 stands rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over Ristvedt in                                          
                  view of Black.                                                                                                                          
                           Reference is made to the main and reply briefs (Papers No. 27 and 30) and the answer                                           
                  (Paper No. 28) for the respective positions of the appellants and the examiner with regard to                                           
                  the merits of this rejection.                                                                                                           
                           In arriving at our decision on the obviousness issues raised in this appeal, we have                                           
                  given careful consideration to the appellants' specification and claims, the teachings of the                                           
                  applied prior art references, the evidence supplied by appellants, and the respective positions                                         
                  articulated by appellants and the examiner.  Having reviewed all of the evidence before us, we                                          
                  make the determinations which follow.                                                                                                   
                           Ristvedt discloses a coin sorter comprising a rotatable disc (turntable 38) having a                                           
                  resilient upper surface (pad 54) and a stationary sorting head 56 having a lower surface, best                                          
                  seen in Figure 4, configured with lands, including a basic or reference land L, and recesses                                            
                  which control the sorting process by forming a plurality of exit paths 180a-180f extending to                                           
                  the periphery of the sorting head.  Sorting of coins is accomplished by the combination of the                                          
                  relationship between a plurality of pins 114a-114f and a tapered edge 112 on the lower surface                                          
                  of the sorting head.  In particular, the distance between a pin and the edge 112 is preset to urge                                      
                  a particular diameter coin under and across the edge 112 under the force of the rotating pad 54                                         

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