Ex parte RODERICK - Page 2

                 Appeal No. 1999-1745                                                                                                                   
                 Application No. 08/657,619                                                                                                             

                 are reproduced in Appendix A of appellant's brief.                                                                                     
                          The references applied in the final rejection are:                                                                            
                 Anderson et al. (Anderson)     5,519,215           May  21,                                                                            
                 Collins et al. (Collins)       5,556,501           Sep. 17,                                                                            
                 (filed Apr.  1,                                                                                                                        
                          Claims 1 and 2 stand finally rejected under 35 U.S.C. §                                                                       
                 103(a) as unpatentable over Collins in view of Anderson.2                                                                              
                          The basis of the rejection, as set forth in the first                                                                         
                 action (Paper No. 4, June 24, 1997) is:                                                                                                
                          Collins et al teach the claimed subject matter                                                                                
                          except for showing use of capacitors connected                                                                                
                          to the coil terminal ends.  However, as set forth                                                                             
                          in Anderson et al it is conventional to connect                                                                               
                          capacitors to the coil ends in a plasma generation                                                                            
                          system to provide a more efficient and controllable                                                                           
                          power supply and plasma generation.  In view of this                                                                          
                                   teaching it would have been obvious to modify                                                                        
                          et al to use this type of power supply connection to                                                                          
                          provide a more efficient coupling of the plasma to the                                                                        
                          After fully considering the record in light of the                                                                            
                 arguments presented in appellant's brief and in the examiner's                                                                         

                          2The examiner's statement in section (9) of the answer                                                                        
                 that "[n]o prior art is relied upon by the examiner in the                                                                             
                 rejection of the claims under appeal" is obviously incorrect.                                                                          

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