Ex parte RODERICK - Page 5

                 Appeal No. 1999-1745                                                                                                                   
                 Application No. 08/657,619                                                                                                             

                          Appellant argues that one of ordinary skill in the art                                                                        
                 would not have been motivated to modify Collins in view of                                                                             
                 Anderson as proposed by the examiner because although the                                                                              
                 Collins and Anderson systems both use plasmas, they perform                                                                            
                 entirely different functions (fabricating devices vs. mass                                                                             
                 spectrometry).  In particular, Anderson discloses that                                                                                 
                 impedance matching circuit 7 provides a means for altering the                                                                         
                 axial component of the electromagnetic field, which, appellant                                                                         
                 asserts, has no relevance to the plasma reactor of Collins                                                                             
                 (brief, page 9).   Also, appellant argues that Anderson has3                                                                                                         
                 nothing to do with the wormholing and arcing problems which                                                                            
                 the present invention addresses and the examiner "has provided                                                                         
                 no valid or legitimate motivation to combine the capacitor                                                                             
                 arrangement of Anderson et al. with the plasma reactor of                                                                              
                 Collins et al." (brief, page 10).                                                                                                      
                          These arguments are not persuasive.  Even assuming                                                                            
                 arguendo that a function of Anderson's circuit 7, altering the                                                                         

                          3At page 5 of the answer, the examiner states that                                                                            
                 altering the axial component of the electromagnetic field is                                                                           
                 also used in reactors such as appellant's.  Appellant has not                                                                          
                 controverted this statement by filing a reply brief, or                                                                                

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Last modified: November 3, 2007