Ex parte LOVE - Page 3

          Appeal No. 1999-1960                                                        
          Application No. 09/075,631                                                  

               Appellant’s invention pertains to “a solenoid operated                 
          condensate drain valve operating in real-time response to the               
          presence of an electrically conductive media in the interior                
          chamber of the condensate drain valve” (specification, page                 
          5).  A further understanding of the invention can be derived                
          from a reading of exemplary claim 10, which is reproduced in                
          the appendix to appellant’s brief.                                          
               The single reference relied upon by the examiner as                    
          evidence of obviousness is:                                                 
          Frantz et al. (Frantz)         4,336,821            Jun. 29,                
          1982      Claims 20-29 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 112,                
          second paragraph, as being indefinite.                                      
               Claims 20-29 stand further rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103              
          as being unpatentable over Frantz.                                          
               Reference is made to appellant’s main and reply briefs                 
          (Paper Nos. 12 and 14) and to the examiner’s answer (Paper No.              
          13) for the respective positions of appellant and the examiner              
          regarding the merits of these rejections.  In addition,                     
          appellant relies upon declarations by H. Worth Love and                     
          Alexander Lucitti in support of appellant’s position that the               
          appealed claims are patentable over the Frantz reference.                   

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