Ex parte LOVE - Page 14

          Appeal No. 1999-1960                                                        
          Application No. 09/075,631                                                  

          above, we consider that Frantz teaches away from eliminating                
          the cycled operation with its time delay function, such that                
          the examiner's proposed modification is not fairly suggested                
          by the reference itself.  Moreover, we are in accord with                   
          appellant that eliminating the cycled operation in Frantz                   
          would altogether change the principle of operation of the                   
          Frantz drain valve, which is a further indication that the                  
          proposed modification would not have been obvious in light of               
          the reference teachings.  See In re Ratti, 270 F.2d 810, 813,               
          123 USPQ 349, 352 (CCPA 1959).                                              
               In light of the foregoing, the standing rejection of the               
          appealed claims as being unpatentable over Frantz will not be               
          sustained.  Since we hold that the examiner has not                         
          established a prima facie case of obviousness, it is                        
          unnecessary for us to consider appellant’s evidence of                      
          nonobviousness (i.e., the declarations of Love and Lucitti).                


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