NEDELK V. STIMSON et al. - Page 33

            Interference No. 102,755                                                                   

            application and in the '756 interference, were advised of this                             
            prior use in a telephone conversation with Hal Smith, of                                   
            Northrup.  The motion included (at 2) a request under                                      
            § 1.639(c) for the APJ to "order that the testimony of Hal                                 
            Smith, and any other competent witness able to testify to the                              
            facts of earlier invention of the subject matter of the count,                             
            be taken."  The motion also requested that a decision be                                   
            deferred until final hearing, pending the outcome of such                                  
                        Next, on October 23, 1992, which was after the close                           
            of the preliminary motion period but before the parties were                               
            required to serve their preliminary statements, Stimson filed                              
            a § 1.628 motion  in each interference for leave to correct23                                                                      
            his preliminary statement by adding the following paragraphs:                              
                              (E) Importation of the invention into                                    
                        the United States at least as early as                                         
                        August 21, 1987 (see the attached file note                                    
                        sub-titled "Notes on Meetings held with                                        
                        Delta Air Lines in Atlanta August 21/87" --                                    
                        7 pages by L. Fitzgerald of Dunlop                                             
                        Aviation, including a one-page cover letter                                    
                        from L. Fitzgerald (in the USA);                                               
                              (F) A three-page report from G.                                          
                        Carrier (one of the inventors) under date                                      
                        of "8-10-87" (October 8, 1987) reporting                                       
                        the results of some dynamometer tests L.                                       
                        Fitzgerald and R. Errett in Seattle).                                          

              Paper No. 17 in this interference.23                                                                                   
                                               - 31 -                                                  

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