Ex parte WARMERDAM et al. - Page 25

          Appeal No. 2000-0142                                      Page 25           
          Application No. 08/705,569                                                  

               Here, as aforementioned, we affirmed the rejection of                  
          claim 19 as anticipated by De La Plaza.  Accordingly, the                   
          claim is ipso facto obvious over De La Plaza alone or in                    
          combination with other references.  Any teachings of the AAPA               
          are merely cumulative.  Therefore, we affirm the rejection of               
          claim 19 as obvious over AAPA in view of De La Plaza.                       

               In summary, the rejection of claims 1-10, 14, and 19                   
          under § 112, ¶ 2 is reversed, while the rejection of claims 15              
          and 20 thereunder is affirmed.  The rejection of claims 18 and              
          19 under § 102(b) is affirmed, while the rejection of claim 20              
          thereunder is reversed.  The rejection of claims 19, 21, and                
          22 under       § 103(a) is affirmed, while the rejection of                 
          claims 1-10, 14, 15, and 20 thereunder is reversed.  Our                    
          affirmances are based only on the arguments made in the                     
          briefs.  Arguments not              made therein are neither                
          before us nor at issue but are considered waived.                           

               No time for taking any action connected with this appeal               
          may be extended under 37 CFR § 1.136(a).                                    

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