Ex parte TSUJI et al. - Page 8

          Appeal No. 2001-0321                                                        
          Application 08/888,671                                                      
               the cable-to-connector interface [answer, pages 8                      
               and 9].                                                                
               The examiner’s position here rests on the proposition                  
          that Nakajima’s cable-to-connector interface is susceptible to              
          EMI leakage, and thus in want of a ring-shaped ferrite core of              
          the sort disclosed by Fair-Rite, because it is not covered by               
          shielding frame 60.  To the extent that Nakajima’s cable-to-                
          connector interface extends beyond the shielding frame 60,                  
          however, it is encompassed by metallic shielding frame 64.                  
          Since frames 60 and 64 are joined together to completely                    
          surround the cable-to-connector interface, they ostensibly                  
          would function to prevent EMI leakage at this point, thus                   
          obviating any need for additional EMI shielding or attenuating              
          means.  In this light, it is evident that the only suggestion               
          for combining Nakajima and Fair-Rite in the manner proposed by              
          the examiner stems from impermissible hindsight knowledge                   
          derived from the appellants’ disclosure.                                    
               Accordingly, we shall not sustain the standing 35 U.S.C.               
          § 103(a) of claims 64 and 68, and of claims 70 and 71 which                 
          depend from claim 68, as being unpatentable over Nakajima in                
          view of the Fair-Rite reference.                                            


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