Ex Parte INUSHIMA et al - Page 27

          Appeal No. 1996-3262                                                        
          Application No. 08/141,632                                                  

          misplaced.  This reference fails to disclose limitations recited            
          in each of claims 1-3.  For example, when applied to claim 1, if            
          the resistor 3 of Kimoto et al is read to be on the diamond                 
          film's 2 first surface, as required by the second subparagraph of           
          this claim, then the second surface of Kimoto et al's diamond               
          film 2 is not "in contact with the fluid" as required by the                
          third subparagraph of this claim.  As to claim 2, when the                  
          resistor 3 is on the first surface of the diamond film 2, the               
          second surface of the diamond film of Kimoto et al would not be             
          in contact with the fluid, but with the diamond substrate 1.  As            
          regards to claim 3, the diamond film 2 of Kimoto et al is not               
          "thermally insulated from the substrate" as claimed, and fails to           
          show the claim requirement of "an exposed surface to the fluid to           
          be monitored."                                                              
               Therefore, contrary to the Examiner's assertion42, Kimoto              
          et al does not disclose the claimed thermistor structure.  Cole,            
          Olmstead and Miura et al are not directed to diamond diodes or              
          thermistors and do not teach any of the diamond thermistor                  
          structure of claims 1-3.                                                    
               Consequently, the Examiner has failed to set forth prior art           

               42 Supplemental Examiner's Answer mailed December 26, 1996,            
          at page 1                                                                   

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