Ex parte BURKE et al. - Page 9

          Appeal No. 1997-2467                                       Page 9           
          Application No. 08/509,753                                                  

          generic function call, wherein said first entry point is                    
          different from said second entry point[;]" "(c) directly                    
          invoking the method object by entering the method object at a               
          first entry point at the function-prolog field in response to               
          execution of the ordinary function call ... and (d) invoking                
          the method object in the context of a generic function                      
          dispatch by entering the method object at a second entry point              
          at the method-information field in response to execution of                 
          the generic function call[;]” "means for directly invoking                  
          said method object by entering the method object at a first                 
          entry point at the function-prolog field in response to                     
          execution of the ordinary function call ... and means for                   
          invoking said method object in the context of a generic                     
          function dispatch by entering the method object at a second                 
          entry point at said method information field in response to                 
          execution of the generic function call[;]” and “a processor                 
          for invoking said method object in response to entering said                
          method object at one of a first entry point and a second entry              
          point, wherein said first entry point is different from said                
          second entry point.”    Therefore, we reverse the rejection of              

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