Ex parte BOLDT - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1999-2369                                                        
          Application 08/674,911                                                      

          reference disclosure, as viewed by a person of ordinary skill               
          in the field of the invention.  Scripps Clinic & Research Found.            
          v. Genentech Inc., 927 F.2d 1565, 1576, 18 USPQ2d 1001, 1010 (Fed.          
          Cir. 1991).  Passovoy discloses a door frame assembly 10 for                
          installation within an opening 14 in a building wall 16.  The               
          assembly 10 includes a top frame member 19 and two side frame               
          members 18, 20 formed of identical metal extrusions.  Each                  
          extrusion consists of a central web 26 adapted to span the                  
          width of the wall 16 and a pair of side flanges 27, 28 adapted              
          to extend around the edges of the wall 16 (see Figure 2).                   
          Each extrusion also includes a plurality of slots extending                 
          along its entire length for variously receiving and                         
          positioning hinge plates 52, cover plates 58, a strike plate                
          24 and door stop pads 40.                                                   
               Independent claims 1 and 24 recite a door frame kit and                
          assembly, respectively, comprising a top and two side members               
          for “attachment to building members which define a door                     
          opening.”  These claims also require each of the top and two                
          side members to comprise an elongate extruded metal structure               
          having a cavity therein and a substrate received in the                     


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