Ex parte BOLDT - Page 7

             Appeal No. 1999-2369                                                                                    
             Application 08/674,911                                                                                  

             U.S.C. § 103(a) rejection of claims 13, 15, 33 and 35 as being                                          

             unpatentable over Passovoy and Fast.1                                                                   

             III. Additional matter for consideration                                                                

                    Upon return of the application to the technology center,                                         

             the examiner should consider reevaluating the patentability of                                          

             the appellant’s claims in view of the other prior art                                                   

             references of record.  By way of example, U.S. Patent No.                                               

             4,531,337 to Holdiman appears to be particularly relevant to                                            

             the subject matter recited in appealed claims 1 and 24.                                                 

                    1 The subject matter recited in appealed claims 27 and 28, as well as in                         
             objected to claims 17 and 18, is not consistent with the underlying                                     
             specification.  More specifically, the specification describes an extruded                              
             metal wall thicknesses of at least about 0.03 inch (see pages 5, 10 and 11) as                          
             opposed to the at least about 0.02 inch thicknesses recited in claims 27 and                            
             28.  In addition, the description of Figure 7 in the specification (see pages                           
             13 and 14) does not provide clear antecedent basis (see 37 CFR § 1.175(d)(1))                           
             for much of the terminology set forth in claims 17 and 18 which presumably                              
             read on the Figure 7 embodiment.  These discrepancies are deserving of                                  


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