HUANG et al. V. PRASIT et al. - Page 29

          i.e., Dr. Huang.  We have not been pointed to evidence                      
          establishing that the other testing by Koboldt (i.e., the                   
          testing of SC-60246, SC-60247, SC-60248, SC-60667, and SC-                  
          60668) was done at the explicit or implicit request of an                   
          inventor.  We have not been pointed to evidence establishing                
          that any of the testing by Veenhuizen (i.e., the testing of                 
          SC-60246, SC-60247, SC-60248, SC-60667, and SC-60668) or any                
          of the testing by Anderson (i.e., the testing of SC-60248) was              
          done at the explicit or implicit request of an inventor.                    
          Since the evidence of record indicates that only Koboldt was                
          working, at least in part, at either the explicit or implicit               
          request of an inventor, i.e., Dr. Huang, only the work of                   
          Koboldt may inure to the benefit of the inventors under                     
          Genentech.  Since the Koboldt testimony indicates that only                 
          the testing of SC-58394 was requested by Dr. Huang, only the                
          testing of SC-58394 may inure to the inventors' benefit.                    
               In reaching our decision, we assume--without deciding or               
          finding--that the research laboratory in which the activities               
          discussed above took place is probably a well-organized entity              
          which undertakes legitimate scientific research in an orderly               
          fashion.  We further assume--without deciding or finding--that              
          the individuals employed strive to achieve meaningful research              
          goals consistent with the profit objectives of the company for              


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