HUANG et al. V. PRASIT et al. - Page 28

          implicit direction of the inventors.  In particular, we have                
          not been pointed to evidence of record establishing that:                   
               (1) the diphenylbenzofuran compounds that Dr. Reitz                    
          asked Dr. Chamberlain to synthesize were the compounds tested               
          by Koboldt, Veenhuizen, or Anderson, or                                     
               (2) that Dr. Reitz directed Dr. Chamberlain to perform,                
          or have performed, testing to show anti-inflammatory activity               
          of the compounds Dr. Reitz asked Dr. Chamberlain to                         
               Dr. Chamberlain testified that he sent compounds he                    
          synthesized for "biological testing" (Exh. 2019 at, e.g., §5);              
          however, we have not been directed to evidence establishing                 
               (1) the "biological testing" was the Koboldt,                          
          Veenhuizen, or Anderson testing,                                            
               (2) that either Dr. Huang or Dr. Reitz explicitly or                   
          implicitly requested Dr. Chamberlain to have the "biological                
          testing" performed, or                                                      
               (3) that the "biological testing" established a                        
          practical utility for the compounds.                                        
               Of Koboldt, Veenhuizen, and Anderson, only Koboldt                     
          testified that she performed some testing (i.e., the testing                
          of SC-58394) at the explicit request of one of the inventors,               


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