Ex Parte BROWN et al - Page 1

               The opinion in support of the decision being entered today was not     
               written for publication and is not binding precedent of the Board.     
                                                                 Paper No. 26         
                      UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                       
                          BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                          
                                   AND INTERFERENCES                                  
                    Ex parte ADAM R. BROWN, DAGOBERT M. DE LEEUW,                     
                        EDSKO E. HAVINGA, and COLIN P. JARRETT                        
                                 Appeal No. 2000-0834                                 
                              Application No. 08/798,679                              
                                       ON BRIEF                                       
          Before FLEMING, GROSS, and SAADAT, Administrative Patent Judges.            
          GROSS, Administrative Patent Judge.                                         

                                  DECISION ON APPEAL                                  
               This is a decision on appeal from the examiner's final                 
          rejection of claims 2 through 4 and 6 through 9, which are all of           
          the claims pending in this application.                                     
               Appellants' invention relates to an electrical memory                  
          element which has between two electrodes a layer of an organic              
          conjugated compound formed of a soluble polymer or oligomer and a           
          dopant that is capable by a redox reaction of changing the                  
          oxidation state of the organic compound.  Claim 9 is illustrative           
          of the claimed invention, and it reads as follows:                          
          9.   A write once-read many electrical memory element which                 
          comprises two electrodes between which electrodes a layer of a              
          material containing an organic conjugated compound is sandwiched,           

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Last modified: November 3, 2007