Ex Parte MURATA - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2000-1561                                                        
          Application No. 08/768,922                                                  

          network communication medium.  An order number assigned to a data           
          packet received from the data terminal is stored and compared               
          with the order number of a successfully transmitted data packet             
          after receipt of a confirmation message from a receiving                    
          terminal.  As a result of the comparison operation, only                    
          untransmitted packets are subjected to a resending operation,               
          thereby eliminating the necessity of retransmitting an entire               
          data file in the event of a communication interruption.                     
               Representative claim 4 is reproduced as follows:                       
                    4.  A packet transfer device for transferring data                
               between a data terminal and a communication network in the             
               form of data packets, comprising:                                      
                    number assignment means for assigning an order number             
               to a data packet to be sent to a selected receiver through             
               said network, and for storing the assigned order number in a           
               number storage means;                                                  
                    transmission means for sending said packet to said                
               receiver, and for receiving data from said receiver;                   
                    transmitted packet order number storage means for                 
               sequentially storing an order number of a packet received by           
               said receiver as confirmed by data in a message sent from              
               said receiver via the network; and                                     
                    discrimination means for discriminating whether a data            
               packet to be sent by said transmission means has been                  
               previously transmitted or not by comparing the assigned                
               order number of said data packet to be sent as stored in the           
               number storage means with the order number of a last packet            
               confirmed as having been received, as stored in the packet             
               number storage means.                                                  


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