Ex Parte MURATA - Page 6

          Appeal No. 2000-1561                                                        
          Application No. 08/768,922                                                  

          determination of whether a data packet “to be sent” has                     
          previously been sent as set forth in representative claim 4.                
               After careful review of the Kirchner reference in light of             
          the arguments of record, however, we are in agreement with the              
          Examiner’s position as stated in the Answer.  Our interpretation            
          of the disclosure of Kirchner coincides with that of the                    
          Examiner, i.e., Kirchner’s comparison of sequence numbers to                
          determine whether a packet needs to be retransmitted meets all of           
          the requirements of appealed claim 4.  As indicated in the                  
          explanation of Kirchner’s example beginning at column 9, line 24,           
          when an expected sequence number comparison match between                   
          transmitted and return acknowledgment messages does not occur               
          within a timeout period, the message is retransmitted.  In our              
          view, this retransmitted message corresponds to a message “to be            
          sent” as broadly set forth in Appellant’s claim 4.  In other                
          words, there is nothing in the claim language which precludes a             
          message “to be sent” from being a message “to be resent.”                   
               As to Appellant’s further argument (Brief, page 9) that,               
          unlike the claimed invention, Kirchner does not provide a record            
          of successfully transmitted packets, we find such argument to not           
          be commensurate with the scope of the claims.  In our view, this            
          argument of Appellant improperly attempts to narrow the scope of            

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