Ex Parte BONNEFOY - Page 7

             Appeal No. 2000-1783                                                               Page 7                
             Application No. 08/817,719                                                                               
             was surely unsurprising.@  Brief, page 6.                                                                
                    In our view, the reasons cited in support of the examiner=s rejection do not                      
             provide a reasonable basis to question the adequacy of the disclosure provided for the                   
             claimed invention, and the evidence of record is insufficient to support the examiner=s                  
             conclusion that Ait would take undue trials and errors to practice the claimed invention.@               
             Answer, page 5.  Accordingly, the rejection of the claims under the first paragraph of                   
             35 U.S.C. ' 112 is reversed.                                                                             
                    There are three separate rejections of the claims; each relies, at least in part, on              
             the same four references (Flores-Romo, Bonnefoy, Bansal and Armant) in the                               
             alternative, so we will discuss the rejections together.                                                 
                    Flores-Romo teaches that CD23 is a low-affinity IgE receptor and that it interacts                
             specifically with CD21, thereby modulating IgE production.  In an in vivo model of an                    
             allergen-specific IgE response, administration of CD23-specific antibody resulted in up                  
             to 90 percent inhibition of antigen-specific IgE synthesis.  Because IgE mediates many                   
             allergic responses, Flores-Romo suggests that CD23 Acould be important in allergic                       
             disease.@  Abstract.                                                                                     
                    Similarly, Bonnefoy teaches that anti-CD23 antibodies inhibit antigen-specific IgE                
             response in atopic patients (i.e., patients with IgE-associated type 1 allergies).                       
                    ASince [Bonnefoy] and [Flores-Romo] teach that anti-CD23 inhibits the                             
             production of anti-IgE responses,@ the examiner concludes that Aone with skill in the art                
             . . . would be motivated to administer anti-CD23 antibody to autoimmune diseases                         
             mediated by IgE such as asthma as is claimed in claims 14 and 21.@  Answer, page 6.                      
                    However, appellant points out that Aallergic asthma is an IgE-related disease,@                   
             but A[i]ntrinsic non-atopic asthma,@ the form of asthma encompassed by the claims, Ais                   

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