Ex Parte TURNER et al - Page 24

          Appeal No. 2000-1961                                                        
          Application 08/840,200                                                      

          set in response to changes in the operating environment of said             
               The examiner finds that McDonald provides a record of the              
          environmental data for comparison to baseline data and concludes            
          that it would have been obvious to apply the techniques of                  
          McDonald to each of Hill, Hale, or Arcella because McDonald                 
          teaches that valve performance is influenced by ambient                     
          temperature and humidity and because changes in valve performance           
          cannot be fully evaluated without comparing test environmental              
          data with baseline environmental data (FR18-20).                            
               As noted in the analysis of claim 20, we find no suggestion            
          in Hill, Hale, Arcella, or McDonald of making changes to the                
          baseline data as claimed.  The examiner's conclusion that it                
          would have been obvious to modify the baseline data set is based            
          on made-up reasons, not any factual teachings or suggestions in             
          the references.  Moreover, McDonald does not cure the                       
          deficiencies of Hill, Hale, and Arcella with respect to the                 
          limitation of "a housing for assembling said system in a unitary            
          assembly in operative communication with said mechanism" in                 
          claim 1.  We conclude that the examiner has failed to establish a           
          prima facie case of obviousness with respect to claim 14.  The              
          rejection of claim 14 is reversed.                                          

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