Ex Parte JOHNSON, JR. - Page 2

              Appeal No. 2001-0671                                                                                         
              Application No. 09/129,088                                                                                   

              means from a source to a delivery receiving location under control of the programmed                         
              logistic system.  Preselection of the commodity transit constraints is dependent on the                      
              total number of transits and conditions at the source and receiving location at which                        
              usage of the commodities occurs at a certain rate.                                                           
                     Representative independent claim 1 is reproduced as follows:                                          
                     1.    In combination with delivery of commodities from a source to a                                  
                     receiving location at which usage of the commodities occurs at a certain                              
                     rate, a programmed logistic system for planning said delivery of the                                  
                     commodities during said usage thereof, comprising:                                                    
                            transport means for sequential transit of unit quantities of said                              
                     commodities from the source to the receiving location;                                                
                            means for preselecting constraints to be imposed on the transport                              
                     means dependent on conditions at the source and the receiving location,                               
                     including total number of the transits;                                                               
                            means for computing rate of delivery of the commodities at the                                 
                     receiving location by the transport means under said constraints; and                                 
                            means imposing scheduling on said transport means for minimizing                               
                     said total number of the transits to the receiving location at said rate of                           
                     delivery in excess of said certain rate of the usage to maintain a reserve                            
                     inventory of the commodities at said receiving location.                                              
                     The examiner relies on the following references:                                                      
                     Schrader et al. (Schrader)          4,049,131                    Sep. 20, 1977                        
                     Lu et al. (Lu)                      5,450,317                    Sep. 12, 1995                        
                     Lewis                               5,615,711                    Apr.  01,  1997                      
                     Masch                               5,930,762             Jul.   27,  1999                            
                                                                        (filed Sep. 24,  1996)                             


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