Ex Parte JOHNSON, JR. - Page 4

              Appeal No. 2001-0671                                                                                         
              Application No. 09/129,088                                                                                   

                     It is our view that the examiner has not established a prima facie case of                            
              obviousness with regard to the instant claimed subject matter.                                               
                     Even assuming, arguendo, that the “constraints” disclosed by Masch could be                           
              considered the preselected constraints of the instant claims, the “preselected                               
              constraints” of the instant claimed invention is imposed on a transport means and it is                      
              done so “dependent on conditions at the source and the receiving location.”  We find no                      
              indication in either Lu or Masch of imposing any constraints on a “transport” means and                      
              wherein such imposition is “dependent on conditions at the source and the receiving                          
                     Moreover, we find nothing in the applied references suggesting usage of                               
              commodities “at a certain rate” or a “means for computing rate of delivery of the                            
              commodities at the receiving station,” as claimed.                                                           
                     The examiner says that it would have been obvious that Lu’s “dynamic                                  
              programming procedures . . . warehouse demand and customer demand matrices to                                
              determine interim demand solutions” [answer, page 6, emphasis original] would have                           
              been selected in accordance with “preselecting constraints” and “rate of delivery of                         
              commodities” because “demand” would have been interpreted by skilled artisans as a                           
              required “constraint.”  Further, “dynamic programming procedures...” would have been                         


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