Ex Parte HAWK - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2001-1667                                                        
          Application No. 09/117,280                                                  

               drawing optical fiber from the preform so that the optical             
          fiber passes between and contacts a first and second roller, each           
          roller rotating about an axis of rotation passing longitudinally            
          through the center of each roller; and                                      
               pivoting the rollers with respect to each other during the             
          drawing step such that the axes of rotation cross to become non-            
          parallel imparting spin to the fiber wherein a position of the              
          fiber along a longitudinal length of the first and second rollers           
          remains unchanged as spin is imparted.                                      
               The references relied upon by the examiner are:                        
          Päivinen et al. (Päivinen) 5,092,117            Mar.  3, 1992               
          Hart, Jr. et al. (Hart)    5,298,047            Mar. 29, 1994               
               Grounds of Rejection1                                                  
               Claims 1-8 and 11-12 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as           
          unpatentable over Hart in view of Päivinen.                                 
               We reverse.                                                            
               The invention relates to a method of making an optical fiber           
          wherein polarization mode dispersion (PMD) in the fiber is                  
          minimized.  See Appeal Brief, page 2, paragraph V.  PMD causes              
          signal distortion which is harmful for high bit rate and analog             
          communication systems.  Specification, page 2, lines 10-11.  The            
          method of the invention involves heating a conventional fiber               
          1 The rejection of claims 1-8 and 12 under 35 U.S.C. § 112, first           
          paragraph, has been withdrawn.  Examiner's Answer, Paper No. 23,            
          mailed December 1, 2000, page 2, paragraph (6).                             

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