Ex Parte HAWK - Page 6

          Appeal No. 2001-1667                                                        
          Application No. 09/117,280                                                  

          art that would motivate him to combine the teachings of Hart and            
               Each of independent claims 1, 11 and 12 includes the                   
          requirement that the fiber passes between first and second                  
          rollers.  The claims further require that the fiber is not                  
          laterally deflected along the rollers.2  See Appeal Brief, Paper            
          No. 22, received October 27, 2000, page 6, second paragraph;                
          specification, page 5, lines 1-15.  As noted by appellant, Hart's           
          method clearly relies on back and forth oscillation of the fiber            
          on a roller.  See Appeal Brief, page 9; Hart, column 4, lines 20-           
               Even if the examiner were correct that it would have been              
          obvious to have passed the fiber between first and second                   
          rollers, the examiner has failed to explain why one of ordinary             
          skill in the art would have been motivated to modify the Hart               
          method so as to prevent lateral movement of the fiber on the                

          2 We interpret the following claim phrases as requiring that the            
          fiber is not laterally deflected along the rollers:  "without               
          displacing the fiber from a vertical path at a point of contact             
          with the first and second rollers" (Claim 1), "wherein a position           
          of the fiber along a longitudinal length of the first and second            
          rollers remains unchanged" (Claim 11) and "without deflecting a             
          lateral position of the fiber at a point of contact with the                
          first and second rollers" (Claim 12).                                       

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