Ex Parte RATZEL et al - Page 4

             Appeal No. 2001-1916                                                             Page 4               
             Application No. 09/189,551                                                                            

             time the invention was made to provide "a device for varying the width and/or cross-                  
             sectional geometry of the product by moving rollers disposed on opposite transverse                   
             sides of the product equal distances on the Armington et al. apparatus, as taught by                  
             Mugnai, in order to allow rapid adjustability of the width of the product."                           

                    The appellants argue throughout the briefs that there is no motivation in the                  
             applied prior art to combine the teachings of Armington and Mugnai as set forth above                 
             by the examiner.  We agree.                                                                           

                    When it is necessary to select elements of various teachings in order to form the              
             claimed invention, we ascertain whether there is any suggestion or motivation in the                  
             prior art to make the selection made by the appellants.  Obviousness cannot be                        
             established by combining the teachings of the prior art to produce the claimed                        
             invention, absent some teaching, suggestion or incentive supporting the combination.                  
             The extent to which such suggestion must be explicit in, or may be fairly inferred from,              
             the references, is decided on the facts of each case, in light of the prior art and its               
             relationship to the appellants' invention.  It is impermissible, however, simply to engage            
             in a hindsight reconstruction of the claimed invention, using the appellants' structure as            
             a template and selecting elements from references to fill the gaps.  The references                   
             themselves must provide some teaching whereby the appellants' combination would                       

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