Ex Parte RONSEN et al - Page 4

             Appeal No. 2001-1933                                                                                     
             Application No. 08/940,058                                                                               

             Answer for the examiner's reasoning in support of the rejection, and to the appellants’                  
             Brief and Reply Brief, for arguments thereagainst.  As a consequence of our review, we                   
             make the determinations which follow.                                                                    
                    Prior to discussion of the rejections in the application, we note that the examiner               
             has made review of the record difficult for the following reasons.   First, the examiner                 
             has referenced multiple prior papers (Paper Nos. 8 and 10) in setting forth the                          
             statement of rejection.  Answer, page 4.  Manifestly, this is improper.  In relevant part,               
             the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP) § 1208 (6th ed., July 1996), states                      
             “[a]n examiner’s answer should not refer, either directly or indirectly, to more than one                
             prior Office action.”                                                                                    
                    Secondly, the examiner has not relied or obtained a full text copy of the cited                   
             reference articles abstracted.  Obviousness determinations are fact-intensive.  It stands                
             to reason that full text documents, whether they be English language translations of                     
             foreign language documents or full text documents will provide more facts.  It is not                    
             apparent why the examiner and appellants have satisfied themselves with determining                      
             patentability under 35 U.S.C. § 103 on less than a complete factual record.   We have                    
             obtained the full copies of the abstracted articles relied on by the examiner and render                 
             this decision based on the full text articles.  Finally, the examiner has failed to provide              
             an indication as to why individual claims appropriately argued by appellants are                         
             unpatentable, and has failed to respond to appellants argument as to why the claims of                   
             the application stand or fall separately.  Although any one of the above difficulties would              

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