Ex Parte TOGUCHI et al - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2002-0242                                                        
          Application 09/112,364                                                      
                                   THE REFERENCES                                     
          Inoue et al. (Inoue)             5,635,308         Jun.  3, 1997            
          Enokida et al. (Enokida)         5,759,444         Jun.  2, 1998            
          Azuma et al. (JP ‘569)            8-333569         Dec. 17, 1996            
               (Japanese patent application)                                          
                                    THE REJECTION                                     
               Claims 1-11 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being              
          unpatentable over Enokida in view of Inoue and JP ‘569.                     
               We reverse the aforementioned rejection.  We need to address           
          only claim 1, which is the sole independent claim.                          
               The applied references all disclose compounds to be included           
          in an organic electroluminescence device.                                   
               The portion of Enokida relied upon by the examiner (answer,            
          page 4) discloses anthracene compounds having two diarylamino               
          substituents which may themselves be substituted (col. 3,                   
          lines 1-29).  The anthracene compounds do not include anthracene            
          groups directly attached to each other.                                     
               The portion of Inoue relied upon by the examiner (answer,              
          page 4) discloses compounds (VII-1 to VII-27) having anthracene             
          groups which are directly connected to each other and have phenyl           
          substituents which may be substituted with diphenylamino groups             
          (compounds VII-7 and VII-27) or styryl groups (compound VII-23).            


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