Ex Parte TOGUCHI et al - Page 3

          Appeal No. 2002-0242                                                        
          Application 09/112,364                                                      
          These compounds do not have a styryl group as a substituent of a            
          diarylamino group, or have a diarylamino group directly attached            
          to an anthracene group.                                                     
               The portion of JP ‘569 relied upon by the examiner (answer,            
          page 4) discloses compounds having anthracene groups and                    
          naphthalene groups connected to each other, and discloses                   
          compounds having three directly connected anthracene groups                 
          (compounds 4, 6, 7, 18, 43, 45-47 and 62-64).  The anthracene and           
          naphthalene groups have styryl substituents, but the styryl                 
          substituents are not substituents of a diarylamino group, and               
          there is no diarylamino group directly attached to an anthracene            
          group or a naphthalene group.                                               
               The examiner argues that one of ordinary skill in the art              
          would have reasonably expected that a compound obtained by                  
          combining the structures of the applied references would be                 
          suitable as an electroluminescent compound (answer, pages 5-6).             
          In the examiner’s view, “[o]ne of ordinary skill in the art,                
          having knowledge of properties such as ionization potential and             
          electron affinity of particular chemical structures, could                  
          determine without undue experimentation whether a particular                


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