HILL et al. V. ANDERSON et al. V. SNITZER et al. - Page 28

          directs us to, does not support Anderson's argument that the                              
          activities were directly related to reducing the count to                                 
          practice. First, Anderson has failed to direct us to evidence                             
          that demonstrates that it was diligent in its activities to                               
          obtain or make a phase mask prior to 19 November 1992.                                    
                 Anderson argues that a phase mask was not available to the                         
          inventors at the start of the critical period, citing to the                              
          declaration of Dr. Erdogan (Paper 274 at 71). Dr. Erdogan                                 
          testified that his lab did not have a phase mask suitable for                             
          making bragg gratings (Finding 43). From this, we do not know                             
          what, if any, efforts were made to try to find a phase mask, or                           
          what attempts were made to make a phase mask. All we know is                              
          that Erdogan's lab did not have a phase mask.                                             
                 Dr. Erdogan further states that he and Dr. Mizrahi                                 
          researched several methods for making a phase mask. No dates or                           
          specific activities are given in connection to this statement.                            
          The only specific activities that Anderson directs us to                                  
          regarding the making of a phase mask occurred from 19 November                            
          1992 until 9 January 1992 (Paper 274 at 72). This does not                                
          explain what, if anything, the inventors were doing to obtain or                          
          make a phase mask prior to 19 November 1992".                                             

                 '2 During oral argument, counsel for Anderson acknowledged                         
          that there were no activities by the inven '      tors of obtaining a                     
          phase mask or making a phase mask prior to 19 November 1992.                              
          (Transcript at 9-10, lines 19-8).                                                         

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