SHERF et al. V. BRONSTEIN et al. V. BRONSTEIN et al. - Page 8

                                                                        4,931,223 2                                                                              
                                                                                containing fluorophoric trifluoromethyl-nr benzo                                 
                         METIIODS OF USING CHEMILUMUiESCENT Wazolyllientopyranyl residue), and each such com                                                     
                                        IZ-D10XErANkS pound being structured so as to be cleavable by a differ                                                   
                                                                                cut enzymatic cleaving means [e.g., one such compound                            
                         This application is a continuation-in-part of copend- 5 can contain, as mentioned above, a phosphate ester                              
                       iag Bronstein U.S. patent application Set. No. 889,823, group cleavable by a phosphatase or an acetate ester                              
                       "Method of Detecting a Substance Using Enzymatical- group cleavable by a cuboxylesterase, the other(s) can                                
                       ly-Induced Decomposition of Dioxetanes", filed July contain an a-D- orS-D-glucoside group cleavable by a                                  
                       24,1986; Bronstein at al US. patent application Ser. No. glucose oxidese or a fl-D-galactoside group cleavable                            
                       140,035,"Dioxetanes for Use in Assays", filed Dec. 31, 10 by a fl-galactosidase], light of diffierent wavelengths can                     
                       1987 and Edwards U.S. patent application Set. No. be induced simultaneously or sequentially by the de                                     
                       140,197, "Synthesis of 1,2-Dioxetanes and Intermediates composition of these differently configured and differ                            
                       Tberefor", filed Dec. 31, 1987, now abandoned. ently decomposable chemilummescent compounds.                                              
                                  FEELD OF THE INVENTION Hence, multi-channcl assays can be designed in which                                                    
                                                                             is different enzymes attached to or associated with two or                          
                         Tlus invention relates to improved methods of using more different analytes will, by cleaving different en                              
                       chernflumineseent compounds, and especially enzymati- zyme cleavable dioxetane substituents, induce the emis                              
                       cally cleavable cheraffluminescent 1,2-dioxetane com- sion of light of a different wavelength for each analyte                            
                       pounds. More particularly, this invention relates to the ban assayed.                                                                     
                       generation and detection of electromagnetic energy 20 Further, the emission of fight of different wave                                    
                       released by the decomposition of enzymatically cleav- lengths by a multiplicity of decomposable chemilumi                                 
                       able and chemically cleavable chemilumbleacent 1,2- nescent compounds6 e.g., in multi-charmel assays, can                                 
                       dioxetane compounds used to determine the presence, also be accomplished by using one or more enzymati                                    
                       concentration or structure of sidisibuices in a simple, cally cleavable chemiluminesocut 1,2-dioxetane com                                
                       especially an aqueous sample, particularly when such 25 pounds and one or more chemically or electrocherm                                 
                       chemiluminescaut compounds me used to detect the cally cleavable chemiluminesceat compounds, such a;                                      
                       preseDoc or determine the concentration of chemical or the chemically cleavable analogs of the enzymatically                              
                       biological substances by art-recognized mummoessay, cleavable 1,2-dioxetanes disclosed in the abovemn                                     
                       teclindques, chemical assays or nucleic acid probe as- fioned Bronstein, Bronstemi at al and Edwards applica                              
                       says6 or when they a: used as direct chemical/physical 30 tions which for example contain, instead of an enzyme                           
                       probes for studying the molecular structures or micro- cleavable group, a chemically cleavable group such as a                            
                      structures of various macromoleculese synthetic poly. hydroxyl group, an alkanoyl or aroyl ester group such                                
                      mans, proteins, miclac acids and the like. as an scatoxy group, or an alkyl or aryl silyloxy group                                         
                            BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION such as a t-butyldimethylsilyloxy or t-butyldiphenyt                                                     
                                                                            35 silyloxy group. together with one or more enzymes and                             
                        The decomposition of chicatilummescent chemical one or more chemical cleaving meamý each attached to                                     
                      compounds to release electromagnetic energy, and es- a different substance, e.g., an analyte, to once again                                
                      pectally optically detectable energy-usually humnes- mduce the emission of light of a different wavelength                                 
                      can= in the form of visible liglit-4i; well known and from each such decomposable chernfluminescent crun                                   
                      understood. The incorporation of such light emitting 40 pound, a.&, for each analyte being assayed in a multi                              
                      reactants in art recognized inummoassays, chemical channel assay.                                                                          
                      assays. nucleu; acid probe assays and chemical/physical It is, therefore, an object of this invention to provide                           
                      probe techniques as the means by which the analytc, a improved methods of using chemilummeaccut 1,2                                        
                      substance whose presence, amount or structure is being diometane compounds, and especially enzymatically                                   
                      determined, is actually identified or quantified has as- 45 cleavable chemiluminescent 1.2-dioutane compounds.                             
                       mined increasing importance in recent years, partiou- A further object of this invention is to provide im                                 
                      holy with the advent of enzymadcally-cleirvable 1,2, proved methods of inducing the simultaneous genera                                    
                      dioxetsoes;- see6 for example, the abovernentioned co- thin of light of different wavelengths by decomposing                               
                      pending Bronstein, Bronstein at &I and Edwards appli- differently configured and differently decomposable                                  
                      cationst 50 chemilumirmscent compounds, including chemilumines                                                                             
                              SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION cent 1,2-dioxetane compounds and, in particular, enzy                                                     
                                                                                matically cleavable chemilumirmsceat 1,2-dioxetane                               
                        The present invention is based upon the discovery compounds.                                                                             
                      that by using two or more enzymatically cleavable A still further object of this invention is to provide                                   
                      (decomposable) chemiluminescent 1.2-ffioxetane corri- 55 multi-channel assays carried out in the presence of at                            
                      pounds, such as those disclosed in the aboversentioned least two differently configured and differently decom                              
                      copending Bronstein, Bronstein at al and Edwards ap- posable chemiluminescent compounds, including che                                     
                      plications6 such compounds being configured, by means miluminescent 1,2-dioxetane compounds and, in parric.                                
                      of the inclusion of a different light-emitting fluoraphore ular, enzymatically cleavable chemiluminment 1,2.                               
                      moiety in each molecule, to emit light of a different 60 dioxetane compounds6 as substrates, each of which                                 
                      wavelength from the other(s) upon decomposition [e.g., compounds emits light of a different wavelength from                                
                      one such compound can contain a fluorophoric courna- the other(s) and each of which has a labile substiment                                
                      rin (benzopyranyl) residue unsubstituted except for a cleavable by a different means from the other(s), to                                 
                      labile ring substituent such as a phosphate ester or ace- detect the presence or determine the concentration, by                           
                      tate ester group, e.g., dispiro(adamantatte-2)-3'-(I',2'- 65 artýrecognized immunoassay, chemical assay and on                             
                      dioxetane)-4',2"-(7phosphýylaxy-3"ýhmmene) so- cleic acid probe assay techniques, of chemical or biolog                                    
                      dium salt; see the abovementioned copending Bronstein ical substances, and to elucidate the molecular struc                                
                      at al application, the other(s) a labile ring substitnent. tures or microstructures of various macromolecules.                             

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