SHERF et al. V. BRONSTEIN et al. V. BRONSTEIN et al. - Page 12

                                                9 4,931,223 10                                                                                                
                      cent 1,2-dioxietane compounds tised in the method of cent compound's molecule. In this way ewýrgy transfer                              
                      this invention that will accept energy, especially light, is enhanced it= to the two fluorophores being in close                        
                      from these light-emitting fluorophores and in rum emit proximity to one mother and by beneficial spatial at                             
                      detectable energy, again preferably light, can be used rangemrits provided by the rigidity of the inicroenvir                           
                      when practicing this invention. Among such auxiEaiy 5 onment. Auxiliary fluorophores that are insoluble or                              
                      fluorophores that can be used, alone or in combination, partially insoluble in aqueous medium can be solubilized                        
                      we the following substances whose residues can be by first grafting them onto salubilizing runlectiles, e.g.,                           
                      present in known chemiluminescent 1,2-dioxetanes, water soluble oligorner or polymer molecules.                                         
                      such as those disclosed in the abovementioned copend- And, in all cases, enhe cement of the intensity of the                            
                      ing Bronstein, Bronstein at al and Edwards appliudions, 10 light emitted by decomposition of the chemidurnmes                           
                      as fluorescent chromophore groups; cent 1,2-dioxetane compounds used in the improved                                                    
                         andiraceme and anthmocne derivatives, e.g., 9.10- methods of this invention earned out in aqueous media                              
                      diphenylanthracene, 9-methylauthmoene, 9-arithracene can be achieved by the'methods disclosed in the afbrý                              
                      carboxaldehyde, anthryldcohols and 9-phenylanthra- mentioned Voyta et al application.                                                   
                      cene; 15 In order that those skilled in the art can mom fully                                                                           
                         rhodammis and rhodamine derivatives, eg., rhDdols6 understand this invention, the following examples are                             
                      tcuamethyl rhodamine, tetiaethyl rhodamine, di- set forth. These examples are given solely for purposes                                 
                      Pb=YldmIdbYl rhrxtlmmný d'Phcnyldlethyl rhodarame of illitatration, and should not be considered as expresi;                            
                      and dinaphdiyl rhodaimme; ing limitations unless so set forth in the appended                                                           
                         fluorescein and fluorescein derivatives, e.g., 5- 20 claims All parts and percentages are by weight, unless                          
                      iodoacetamido fluorescein, 6-iodoacetaundo fluorescein otherwise stated.                                                                
                      and fluorescem-54nakinaide,                                                                                                             
                         oolmarin and cournarin derivatives, ýg, 7-dialk- EXAMPLEI                                                                            
                      ylandrio-4-methyleritimarlia, 4mbromomethyl-7-methox- A dual channel assay for Humari Chorionic Gonado                                  
                      ycoumarta and 4-bromomethyl-7-hydroxy cournarm; 25                                                                                      
                        erythrosin and erythrown dcxivativesý trophis (ft-cham), P-HCG, and Human Lutrinizing                                                 
                                                             eg-, hydroxy Hormonm HLH, is carried out as follows:                                             
                      erythrosins, erythrosin4-iodoacetanxide and erythrosin                                                                                  
                      5-malcimide; MATERIALS                                                                                                                  
                        aciridine and achridine derivatives, e.g., hydroxy                                                                                    
                      aciridines and 9-methyl aciridine; 30 A round nylon membrane (approximately I inch in                                                   
                        pyrenc and pyrene derivatives, eg.. N-0-pyrime) diameter) containing two sets of covalently inanobi                                   
                      iodoncetaraide, hydroxy pyrenes and I-pyrenamethyl lized capture monoclonal aunbodies is used, one set for                              
                      iodonodate; jg.HCG available from Medix Biotech. Anti HCG. Cat.                                                                         
                        stilbene and stfliene derivatives, e.g., 6,6'-dibromos- No. H298-01, and the ý'Ond for HLH also available                             
                      tilbene and hydroxy stilberies; 35 from Medix Biotech, Anti LK Cat No. L461-09. TIUS                                                    
                        naphthalene and naphthalene derivatives, e.g., 5- nylon membrane is stored in a fail pouch until used.                                
                     dimethylamino naplithalene-l-suffanic acid and hy- Mouse monoclonal and S-HCG available from                                             
                     droxy naphthalems; Medix Biotech, Cat. No. B298-12, is conjugated with                                                                   
                        nitrobenzmadiazoles and mixotienzomiliazole deriv- alkaline phosphatase using the glataraldebyde coupling                             
                     atives, e.g., hydroxy nitrobenzoxaciJazoles, 4-chloro-7. 40 Procedure [VOller, A-, at. id., Bull, World Health Org.,                     
                     nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diawle, 2-(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3- 53, 55 (1976)land used as a detection antibody for 0                               
                     dinaul-4-yl) amthylaminoacetaldehyde and 6-(7-mtmb- HCQ.                                                                                 
                     ý-2-oza-1,3-dmwl-4-yl-aminobexanoic acid; Mouse monoclonal anti HLH available from Media                                                 
                        quincline and quinoline derivatives. e.g., (ýhydrox- Biotech, Cat. No. L461-03, is conjugated to carboxyles                           
                     yquinoline and 6-amintiquincifine, 45 texase also using the gluturaldehyde coupling procedure                                            
                        andme and fidine derivatives, g, N thylacný referenced above, and used as a detection antibody for                                    
                     dine and N-phenylacridine; HLH.                                                                                                          
                        acidoxcridine and acidoacridine derivatives, e.g., The substrate buffer solution contains 0.05M carbon                                
                     9-methylacidonFidine and hydroly.9,0,thylacidoacri. ate, I mM MSC12, al% by weight BSA (pH=0.5) and                                      
                     dine; so 3-(2spiroadý tý)4-methoxy-4(3-phosphoryloxy)                                                                                    
                        carbazole and carbawle derivatives, e.g., N-methyl- phenyl-1,2-dioxetane disarlitint salt, (50 Ag/ml), and                            
                     carbazole and hydroxy-N-methylearbamole; 3.(2'.spkoadamantane)4-(3"-benzothiazol-2-yi-7"-p                                               
                        fluorescent cyanines, eg. DCM (a laser dye), hy- galwtýyloxy)benzo-2H.pyran-2'.yl.1,2ýRoxeane, (50                                    
                     droxy cyanines, 1,6-diphenyl-U.5-hexatriene, 1-(4- lLg/ml) w the chernflumduescent substrates.                                           
                     dimethyi aminophenyr)-6-phenylbentriene and the cor- 5s The wash buffer contains 0 05M carbonate, I mm                                   
                     responding 1,3-butedienes; MgCl2=d 2% by weight BSA (pH=9.5).                                                                            
                        carbocyanines and carbocyanine derivativesý e.g.,                                                                                     
                     phany1carbocyanine and hidroxy carbocyanines; ASSAY PROCEDURE                                                                            
                        pyridinium. salts, e.g-, 4-(4-dialkyldiaminostyryl)N- Five drops of a previously collected urine sample are                           
                     methyl pyridinium iodate and hydroxy-substituted pyri. 60 placed onto the center of the assay membrane and al                            
                     duriurn sidtie lowed to soak into the membrane. Next, five drops of a                                                                    
                       oxonoX- and solution containing A-HCG and HLH conjugated deý                                                                           
                       resorrifins and hydroxy resortifins. tection antibodies at a concentration of 0.01 miHimolar                                           
                       When such auxiliary fluorophores are bonded to a are added to the assay membrane. The liquid is allowed                                
                     chemiluminescient compound, they are preferably 65 to soak in for at least one minute. Six drops of the wash                             
                     bonded to the portion of the chemilummescent com- buffer are slowly added and allowed to soak in and                                     
                     pound that, upon decomposition, forms a fragment con- drain for 30 to 60 seconds. Then, five drops of the buffer                         
                     taining the flucirciphore portion of the clictailumines- solution containing cherailumnimccift substrates we                             

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