Ex Parte DULL - Page 3

           Appeal No. 1997-4235                                                                      
           Application No. 08/464,426                                                                

           over Burton, Purinton, and the “the appellant’s disclosure of                             
           the prior art,” in view of Missel and Traut.  (Id. at page 7.)1                           
                 Because the examiner’s rejections are based on an erroneous                         
           understanding of the appellant’s admissions concerning the prior                          
           art, we reverse the aforementioned rejections.                                            
                 The examiner finds that Burton (column 2, lines 3-41;                               
           column 3, line 14) describes a radome made by forming a thin                              
           copper layer on a dielectric substrate, applying a photoresist,                           
           patterning the photoresist, and etching.  (Answer, page 4.)                               
           According to Burton (column 2, lines 37-38), the “spiral lines”                           
           of the pattern obtained after etching should “remain sharp and                            
           distinct.”  The examiner also finds that “Purinton discloses                              
           forming a radome by etching a copper layer on a thin sheet of                             
           dielectric material by common printed circuit board                                       
           techniques...”  (Answer, page 4.)                                                         
                 The examiner then characterizes the differences between the                         
           invention recited in the appealed claims and the disclosures of                           
           Burton and Purinton as follows (id.):                                                     
                 Burton and Purinton differ from the appellant’s claims                              
                 mainly in that they may not disclose dimensions                                     
                 associated with the layer thicknesses or pattern                                    
                 tolerances, nor do Burton and Purinton disclose any                                 
                 1  All other rejections as set out in the Feb. 26, 2001                             
           final Office action (paper 24) have been withdrawn.  (Answer, p.                          

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