Ex Parte SCHUYLER et al - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2001-1461                                                        
          Application 08/921,130                                                      

               The invention relates to a method and system of routing                
          requests for authorized approval.                                           
               Claim 1 is reproduced below.                                           
                    1.  An automated method for authorized approval                   
               processing, comprising the steps of:                                   
                    receiving from a user a request for approval;                     
                    in response to receiving the request, automatically               
               determining a type of the request;                                     
                    automatically determining a designated number of                  
               approvals required for authorization of the request based on           
               the type of the request;                                               
                    automatically determining a valid agent to provide one            
               of the designated number of approvals required for                     
               authorization of the request;                                          
                    automatically routing the request to the valid agent              
               for the approval; and                                                  
                    automatically determining if the designated number of             
               approvals required for authorization of the request have               
               been obtained.                                                         

               The examiner relies on the following reference:                        
               Gardner et al. (Gardner)    5,758,327      May 26, 1998                

               Claims 1-4, 6-9, 11, 122, and 14-25 stand rejected under               
          35 U.S.C. § 102(e) as being anticipated by Gardner.                         

          2  Claim 12 is improperly included in the grouping of                       
          claims.  Since claim 12 depends on claim 5, it cannot be rejected           
          without rejecting claim 5.  Accordingly, we put claim 12 in with            
          the obviousness rejection of claim 5.                                       
                                        - 2 -                                         

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Last modified: November 3, 2007