Ex Parte SCHUYLER et al - Page 4

          Appeal No. 2001-1461                                                        
          Application 08/921,130                                                      

               The relevant contents of Gardner are adequately summarized             
          by appellants (Br6-7).                                                      
               Appellants argue that Gardner discloses only a single type             
          of request and therefore does not teach: (1) "automatically                 
          determining a type of the request" and then "automatically                  
          determining a designated number of approvals required for                   
          authorization of the request based on the type of the request"              
          (emphasis added), as recited in claim 1 (Br7); (2) "automatically           
          determining a type of the request" and then "automatically                  
          interrogating a set of rules based on the type of the request, to           
          determine approval processing information for authorization of              
          the request" (emphasis added), as recited in claim 16 (Br8); and            
          (3) "the workflow engine further operable to determine a type of            
          the request" and "a validation module operable to determine a               
          designated number of approvals required for authorization of the            
          request based on the type of the request" (emphasis added), as              
          recited in claim 19 (Br8).                                                  
               The examiner refers, without explanation, to column 6,                 
          lines 27-42, column 7, lines 53-57 (FR3; FR5; EA4; EA6), and                
          column 7, lines 49-63 (FR6; EA7).  In the Response to Arguments             
          section of the examiner's answer, the examiner states (EA10):               
               Gardner clearly recites in col. 7, lines 12-43 of a purchase           
               request to be approved by a company or a division.  The                
               company or division in Gardner is equivalent to the claimed            
               "type of request" and that once the system determines the              
               company or division then it applies the rules for that                 
               particular company or division.                                        
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